Black people continue to be oppressed in the United States leaving us to grapple with trauma associated with racism and social injustices. People of Color (POC) communities and non POC are outraged! Race-based or racial trauma stress looks like: hypervigilance/ increased feeling of being threatened,increased aggression, unending intrusive thoughts about racial injustice, and low self-esteem, etc. It is real,and it can impact every area of our lives.
Here are some ways you can limit racial trauma response, and cope with the challenges of today’s world:
Doing a daily mental health check in asking yourself: How am I feeling?, Where is my rage most felt in my body? What do I need right now? What/How can I contribute to the movement today?
Limiting exposure to triggering images, sounds, conversations and only taking in what YOU can.
Engage in grounding and ancestral practices that help you feel connected and nurtured. You can move your body, breathe deeply, take a walk, feel your body, listen to your surroundings, make yourself laugh, practice self kindness, visualize your favorite place,listen to music,and list positive things.
Surround yourself with people that help you in feeling safe, validated and with whom you can openly express your feelings, thoughts, ideas and experiences.
If you as a POC or non POC want to educate yourself more, Dr. Monica Williams, Ph.D, clinical psychologist offers a comprehensive reading list on Racial Trauma and PTSD. You can access it here.
Please take care of yourself, this world is unjust but we are here to continue to show up and do what it takes to stop racism!
Feel free tocontact me to schedule a session. For uplifting content and updates you can also follow me on Instagram @mariabaulcsw
#mariabaulcsw #racialtrauma #racialbasedtrauma #trauma #stopracism #coping #triggers #ancestralwork #healing #PTSD #mentalhealth #survivor #saludmental